Telepathy Objects


Emily Foppe
Emily and Ashton's Doorway to Doorway (1).pdf

Doorway to Doorway allows users to convey a particular emotion, phrase, or message behind closed doors through colored lights turned on by twisting a doorknob on the other side of the door. Our project opens up communication, otherwise blocked by the physical barrier that is a closed door. In doing so, Doorway to Doorway can help communicate emotions before real face to face interaction, and possibly defuse oncoming conflict. The project consists of two knobs, one for the inside of the door, and the other for the outside, all wired to an Arduino. The knob facing on the inside of the door has a potentiometer that when turned will light up accordingly to a colored LED on the other knob outside. The LEDs within the knob on the outside of the door have a range of colors, providing the user with the ability to display a range of emotions, phrases, or other complex messages.

However, Doorway to Doorway did not start as the project described, but a panel of LEDs above the door frame and another with switches. To make the lights more visible to users, overall round out the project, and add more aesthetic appeal, placing the LEDs within a doorknob and using a dial seemed more progressive from the original concept.  

November 27- December 1

Emily Foppe

This week we worked on our poster and presentation. We first hand drew our diagrams then created them in Google Drawings. We also laser cut our "door" piece and spray painted it black for appeal. We decided not to glue the back piece to the box to allow easy access to the inside components. This also lets us turn it on and off easier. After this week our project is complete and we are done :)

October 9- October 13

Emily Foppe

Aaron helped us come up with the design and plan for the 3D printed doorknob for the final prototype. We designed it in Fusion and already printed one half of the knob. We also started collecting the code that we will need for the knob to turn on all the LEDs. We decided to program a micro- Aurdino so that we only needed one potentiometer for all the LEDs. Each angle will be coded to turn on a different color light. 

Midterm Presentation

Emily Foppe

Alphabet Matrix

Emily Foppe

Ashton and I came up with a visual system to communicate under the table, which we called the Alphabet Matrix. We had started brainstorming auditory methods, but realized that they were easy to mess up. Our solution was a visual  system,  but due to the requirement that it must be underneath the table, the possibilities were very limited. We debated sitting on the ground to open up the potential of facial expressions and gestures, but this still seems overly complicated and still easy to confuse.  We came up with the complete alphabet taped to a bar underneath the table which the communicator can tap with their foot. Each letter is written twice, one facing each side of the table, so that the receiver and communicator can easily decipher each letter. We included a space to separate  words  along with a question mark which the receiver taps once to have the word repeated or twice to repeat the entire phrase or sentence. It is up the pair to decide on how formal the words should be and what abbreviations can be used.  This seemed the simplest method that can still convey whatever the communicator wishes. The only miscommunication that can occur are if the receiver doesn't understand the word, but he or she can simply tap the ? to have it repeated.  

November 5- November 10

Emily Foppe

We discovered that the reason the code was not working correctly was that the Micro-Aurdino was not able to read the code properly. We switched it out for the Uno and rewired the LEDs to have male ends on both sides instead of one male and one female. Instead of using the battery pack, we opted for just a battery box with 2 AA batteries since the device doesn't require much energy.  We tested the wiring with the coding and everything functions properly.  The transparent top is finally complete and each knob has been formed. The final step is assembling and gluing all the components to the makeshift door that will be lazer cut outside of class. 

October 30- November 2

Emily Foppe

This week we tried to run all the wiring all connected together since we were able to complete a trial run with partially assembled pieces. We wanted to test the potentiometers ability to read the analog values and turn on the correct LED. However, as soon as we connected the Arduino-Micro to a power source, all the LEDs turned on and the potentiometer readings went haywire. We have checked the code and the wiring and are still trying to find the problem. 

Oct 24- 27

Emily Foppe

We super glued the potentiometer to the opening of the knob and the two halves together.  We also decided to use a breadboard to connect all of the wires together. Instead of using batteries as a power source, we switched to a portable power source to power the aurdino and all the LEDs. We connected male ends to all power wires on the LEDs. Next class we will do the same to the ground side and design the transparent doorknob. 

October 15- October 18

Emily Foppe

We have one doorknob completed. However, we realized that the shell isn't thin enough to have the LEDs shine through. We had to restart the coding. Luckily we didn't have much that was added to the basic code.  We also soldered the wires to the potentiometer that will connect to the micro-aurdino. 

Wireless Transceiver - NRF24L01 Tutorials

Aaron Laniosz

Example 1 :

Example 2 :