Doorway to Doorway allows users to convey a particular emotion, phrase, or message behind closed doors through colored lights turned on by twisting a doorknob on the other side of the door. Our project opens up communication, otherwise blocked by the physical barrier that is a closed door. In doing so, Doorway to Doorway can help communicate emotions before real face to face interaction, and possibly defuse oncoming conflict. The project consists of two knobs, one for the inside of the door, and the other for the outside, all wired to an Arduino. The knob facing on the inside of the door has a potentiometer that when turned will light up accordingly to a colored LED on the other knob outside. The LEDs within the knob on the outside of the door have a range of colors, providing the user with the ability to display a range of emotions, phrases, or other complex messages.
However, Doorway to Doorway did not start as the project described, but a panel of LEDs above the door frame and another with switches. To make the lights more visible to users, overall round out the project, and add more aesthetic appeal, placing the LEDs within a doorknob and using a dial seemed more progressive from the original concept.