Special Olympics

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Fengyuan Bi

Pinball Bowling is a machine which assists individuals in wheelchairs in the activity of bowling.

Existing wheelchair bowling solutions do not accelerate the bowling ball at the same velocity as that of an able-bodied bowler. With the use of a pulley and bungee system, Pinball Bowling can store high potential energy and release a high-velocity ball with little force required from the user. This is achieved through the utilization of potential energy provided by elastic and the principles of pulley mechanics.

Pinball bowling is a wood structure that supports a pulley mechanism. To use Pinball Bowling, an individual in a wheelchair positions him or herself to the side of the pulley tower. A user is able to pull the rope with little effort, allowing the ball to travel at a high velocity.  Energy  is converted through a 1:10 pulley ratio. This high force places tension on a bungee slingshot that holds the elastic potential energy. Once fully tensioned, the user can fasten the bungee to a certain point and make a quick release. As the potential energy is turned to kinetic energy, the bowling ball is launched at a high velocity.  

Pinball Bowling

Fengyuan Bi

Pinball Bowling is a machine which assists individuals in wheelchairs in the activity of bowling.

Existing wheelchair bowling solutions do not accelerate the bowling ball at the same velocity as that of an able-bodied bowler. With the use of a pulley and bungee system, Pinball Bowling can store high potential energy and release a high-velocity ball with little force required from the user. This is achieved through the utilization of potential energy provided by elastic and the principles of pulley mechanics.

Pinball bowling is a wood structure that supports a pulley mechanism. To use Pinball Bowling, an individual in a wheelchair positions him or herself to the side of the pulley tower. A user is able to pull the rope with little effort, allowing the ball to travel at a high velocity.  Energy  is converted through a 1:10 pulley ratio. This high force places tension on a bungee slingshot that holds the elastic potential energy. Once fully tensioned, the user can fasten the bungee to a certain point and make a quick release. As the potential energy is turned to kinetic energy, the bowling ball is launched at a high velocity.