(3B) Immersive Storytelling

Day 2

Quinn Brown

Today we spoke with David on how to advance our project. He suggested to use sensors to trigger certain noises like feet in snow or the crunching of leaves. I am currently reaserching how to measure voltage and trip a reaction with the Arduino. Some people have already made laser-break sensors with the arduino.


We picked four different locations and descirbed what each would feel like. Also, we attached different sounds to each picture to show what they sound like.

Update 2

Ruixi Yin

Holophonic sounds:


Setting- at a pingpong match with a crowd.

Characters- two pingpong players, commentator, and crazy fans.

Time- saturday evening.

Plot-  Opens with the commentator explaining the match and stats of each player. Then we move      on to the match and the fans go crazy because points go both ways.


Sounds we need:

Ping pong hit table, ping pong hit paddle, commentator(Ben), crowd.   



Rocky and Ben update 1

Ruixi Yin


This is basically what we are trying to do, creating a holophonic 3d sound effect to let people get the feeling that they are actually in the setting. 

Mr. Hughes - Elements of the Story

Quinn Brown

Elements to Plot -
Exposition: The 5ws of the story 
Incident: Changes the story, usually launches the action (doesn't have to be bad)
Rising Action: Complications of the story 
Falling Action: Ties up the lose ends
Resolve: 'happily ever after'

Characters -
Protagonist: who the story is about (doesn't have to be good)
Antagonist: whatever is against the protagonist
Supporting: don't exactly advance the story 

Dialogue - 
Words, meaning behind the words (screaming I hate you over playfully saying it) 

Theme - 
Universal Theme: Hate conqors love, good things happen to good people etc

Motif - 
Reoccuring Theme

Everything: What you see as well as what you don't see



Tyler Kendrick

Setting: Long ago, we lived among Heroes who protect us from the Giants of the Dasani. The Heroes were immortal beings and kept the peace however Elixir, the eldest of the Heroes, fell in love with a giant and created a hybrid being of a Hero and Giant. The couple and their offspring were banished from both nations. They have been in hiding for years, and the two nations ignored the incident and kept their distance. Elixir has reappeared with an army of Acadians, hybrid offsprings, with the intent to destroy both nations and become king of Luscenium. The Acadians are more powerful than any Giant or any Hero; the only way both nations can continue to survive is if they work together. But will they? Can we team up with Giants and live?


  • Benjamin (narrator/human)
  • Elixir (Hero)
  • Alyssona (Giant)
  • Alvante (Acadian)
  • Setrus 
  • Thomas
  • Ronoake

Rocky's story

Ruixi Yin

Plot  Bem, Henry and Cat started a new buisiness. Fixing people's hairline.   
Characters  Ben, Henry, Cat
Dialogue  They need to discuss what the best method to help people grow their hairlines back. 
Theme  They are trying to fix Lebron James' hairline and they need to come up with an excellent idea since he's an important customer. 
Spectacle  We see how Ben, Hnery and Cat thinks but we don't see how the customer thinks. 
Music  They have soft music we they are fixing hairline to make the customer relaxed. 

It is a pretty realistic story, everything's in real life, even the characters are rael people that we know. We do this because it can bring people into my story and enjoy it the most.