12/07/2018: Prototype finalized

12/07/2018: Prototype finalized

Zongxi Huang

Today, I worked on finalizing the first phase of my project. First, I made simple adjustment in the code to correct mistakes I found during my testing yesterday. I also made a number of improvements, such as reducing the length of that the leg has to travel in order to complete one walking motion. In addition, I included a void_setup function that allows the leg to get into the walking position when it is first connected to power. 

Then I attempted to find ways to solve the power issue with the stepper motors. Due to the fact that I have not yet figure out how to more power to the motors, I decided to use a gearbox to improve their performance. However, the gearboxes proved to be very large and occupy most of the motor shaft length I need to mount the leg. As such I need to lengthen the motor shaft length, which would allow me to put the gearbox on the back of the motor and keep my current leg setup.

Overall, I believe that the core objectives of my project for this mod have been achieved. However, if time allows it, I would include a potentiometer into the arduino setup to control the different modes of the leg (ie. jumping, climbing stairs or normal walking)