Zongxi Huang

During today's class, I made further improvements on the code for controlling the stepper motors. I tried to make each steps of the stepper motor smaller (i.e. 2 instead of 5) to create a smoother motion of the leg. Still, even with this method, the leg movement was still very fragmented and I fear that the choppiness of the movement may affect the effectiveness of the leg at walking (only one of the two motors move at any given time). My first response was to try to modify the "accel_multiStepper" code to fit my setup. However, my attempts to do so failed, and I decided to make more research on how to make the motors move simultaneously. While doing so, the new stepper drivers arrived. At the same time, I found a tutorial that could control the two motors to move in sync. In light of this new discovery, I decided to first setup the A4899 driver for testing. However, due to time constraint, I was unable to begin testing. 

Tomorrow, I plan on beginning testing with the A4899 drivers. If I manage to make them work, then the first phase of my project would be essentially completed.