Today, I started working on adjusting the code to create the movement of the leg. At first, I separated each leg motion into 4 lines of code. However, when I ran the code in the Arduino, I found that due to the block nature of the lines of code, the first motor had to complete its motion before the second one could move. This was not ideal for my leg setup, as it required a coordination of the two legs moving simultaneously. I tried to use another code where I could control the two motors at the same time, but due to time constraints (A-team meet), I deemed that I would not have enough time to figure it out. Instead, I decided to command the motors to move smaller steps one after another. This way, the motors would not come in conflict with one another and I managed to make the current code work. However, during my testing, I ran into another issue. Though the stepper motors worked fine while the is placed on the table, the leg upper leg refused to move when placed on the test rig. It seemed that the motor cannot handle the weight of the leg and it would get stuck whenever it tries to lift itself. 

Tomorrow, I plan on making further testing of the leg and attempt to use the new code as well. I also plan on making research on how to solve the power issue for the legs.