27/11/2018: Testing the foot and attempting to change the code

Today, I continued my work on trying to figure out the Arduino Code used to control the stepper motors. I decided to focus on making the motors move to a certain specific angle first before proceeding to making them repeat a swinging motion. After some research online, I found a code on the Adafruit forum that could in theory work with stepper motors. However, I soon found out that it was incompatible with motor shields, and I was forced to look for alternatives.

In the meantime, I decided to work on the feet for my robot. I refined the design I made before Thanksgiving break and printed it out for testing. Experimentation on the prototype foot proved that it would work in the leg setup. The question remains, however, about whether I should put 1 spring instead of two, as the foot seems to be very stiff when I tried to displace it when attached to the springs. In my opinion, the setup is fine as it is right now, as the weight of my robot, estimated at 2kg, would be enough to put the foot on a horizontal position, which would maximize the surface in contact with the ground.

Tomorrow, I plan on consulting Asli about controlling the stepper motor and while also making progress on testing the foot.