Zongxi Huang

In today's class time, I focused on creating a test code to control the stepper motors that just arrived. After looking up several sources online, I decided to try the Arduino codes from some of the tutorials. However, most of them were unfortunately incompatible with my Arduino motor shield setup. As a result, I was initially unable to test the quality of the new stepper motors. However, after much revision, I decided to try the example code once more. This time, I changed the way with which the wires were connected to the motor shield and I managed to make the motors turn after uploading the code to the Arduino. 

I then proceeded to start experimenting with the code to control the motor to create a swinging motion of around 45 degrees. After making adjustments to the speed, the orientation of the spin and the amount of steps the motor would make, I was able to create a one way motion with pauses. However, I was unable to control the motors to produce a swinging motion. 

Next class, I plan on exploring how to improve my code so that I can control the motors to create the swinging motion. Once this is done, I would mount the leg onto the motor shaft and start adjusting the movement for the leg


