01/12/2018: Planning, Sketching and Designing

01/12/2018: Planning, Sketching and Designing

Zongxi Huang

This week, I started by writing down a plan of action that I would follow through the course of this semester. I had several goals in mind, such as making my robot being able to stand by itself or to give it the ability to make turns instead of being restricted to walk in straight lines. Then, I worked on sketches of the legs. The legs had to be entirely redesigned, as they had shown to have several major issues on the first final iteration of my robot. For instance, they were prone to jamming and the joints caused high friction whenever movement was done. As a result, I wanted to come up with something new. After I made some sketches of how it might look like, I moved on to the testing phase. In contrast to the testing done on my first iteration, which involved building incomplete mockups of the body and leg out of cardboard pieces, I decided to use digital softwares to test the reliability of the legs. I chose to use this method because it would save on time and materials. Furthermore, the mockups were not very reliable, as they would often bend or break when exposed to forceful motions. On the other hand, while digital software offer more advantages when testing, they were not without their drawbacks. For instance, I had to learn how to use it and had to memorize the commands. Furthermore, I had quite a lot of trouble to work with the testing part of the software, which slowed down the development process. Next week, on my trip to Boston, I will try to work with the Nuvu educators to come up with a satisfying design for my legs. I would also start to plan on how to implement turning in my design.