4/14/2017 Blog 8: Finalizing our project and poster making

This week, we focused on the finishing details of our project. For instance, we worked to improve our project description paragraph by shortening it and by correcting the writing mistakes we made. We also managed to implement the final feature of our project. Despite the fact that we had been unable to make it work the week before, we eventually found a solution to the problem. In addition, we also worked on the poster for our project. First and foremost, we had to gather the pictures of the various stages of our project that we took before. We also had to make a use diagram, which was a diagram that serves as a visual representation of how our project works. Furthermore, we also had to take a picture of the final iteration of our project. Then, we had to choose one of the 4 poster templates available to us and fit everything inside. Once everything was done, we had to export it into a PDF file and send it using the All Saints Academy email to our coaches. During this week's work, we did not run into large problems, though we have encountered smaller ones. For instance, while we were taking the picture for our final iteration, the camera was temporarily out of order and we had to use our phones to take the photo. Next week, if we still have time, we would try to improve the holographic projector.