Reflection 4/28

Isabella Bogdahn

Throughout the process of the wing project Frieda and I worked to improve and add to the wings. When we were almost done with the project we realized that the wings didn't work, and, on top of that, the wings broke in 3 different places. I took the wings home and my dad informed me that my placements of where the wing pieces overlap were incorrect. My dad helped me cut out new pieces and explained why they must overlap is important. That night I finished the wings and they worked properly. The next day at school Frieda and I finished the wings. 

What I would do differently for my project is use a laser cutter to cut out the wood pieces rather than use a jig saw. By using the laser cutter the pieces would seem more put together. Also I would of used the 3d printer to make pieces that allow the support beams to spin, rather than out of duct tape. Another aspect of the wings would be to find a way to keep the straps on more effectivly than the hot glue and staples. 

Over all I am very proud of the final product.