Building Envelope (T5)

Full scale Onion Observation

Riley Kelton

Today we looked at the onion and compared it to our model. The model form and shape is almost the exact same. Some key components are missing in our model like the benches and the tops of ours are not bonded together. On our model we also have are idea on our model as well.

Blog Post

Nathan Richardson

Today we went over some of the things that would be good to use for are project, we decided on trying to make a window out of recycled plastic bottles and we were trying to fined a way for it to be interactive 

Finishing the model

Chase Trinklein
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building a scale model

Nathan Richardson

The onion is made of many components because having screws makes it more secure, the more components there are means that we can work on it more proficiently so that more is done in the time we have.

Blog post 2/20

Riley Kelton

Why is the onion made of many components?

The onion is made of many components cause they are easier to work with when they separated It also makes it more studier with the support from the screws holding them together. It also helps that we can work faster with different pieces.

building are scale model

Nathan Richardson

We used the laser cutter to cut out the peaces we needed to build are small scale model. There was a problem that the peaces were to small and the screws didn't fit in the holes. so we weren't able to continue making are model so we have to re print it with better sizes 

blog post

Riley Kelton

Today in our studio, we cut out a file of the onion on the laser cutter. Based off the original model, we tried to put the pieces together to re-create it. We finished cutting out the pieces but the screws didn't fit in the holes so we didn't have time to put it together. Me and Nate worked together for this assignment.

Scale Model of the project for our class

Chase Trinklein
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Additions to precedents

Chase Trinklein

These two skirts are additions to the precedents of the tree stands from my last post. The first skirt is made of a nontransparent camouflage colored soft plastic fabric. This would allow for a person who is the tripod to completely cover the top of the stand so that they could not be seen if they were sitting in the tripod. Where as the second precedent is made from a semi-transparent somewhat tightly woven yarn. This would give an appearance of being partially seen while being covered up in the tripod. So this would help to illustrate the idea of being hidden from the world while still being in plain sight.

2 Precedents

Chase Trinklein

The first precedent is called a redneck blind. This demonstration of a box blind would set the perfect precedent of a safe space where a person/people can get away from their environment for a period of time. It's roughly 10-12 ft off the ground but it encorporates just enough space to get away. In the box blind, outside viewers can't see the person/people within the blind unless the person/people inside choose for them to see. Meanwhile the person inside the blind can see everyone in the outside world. This truly allows for the feeling of getting away without truly getting away. It's built out of aluminum and plastic so it is very stable and not very difficult to assemble.

The second precedent is a picture of a family tradition double tripod. Although this is commonly used for hunting or observing it can be used very similar in the way to be in the environment of school without having to be asserted into the environment. Although this model portrays an open face/skin so people can still see the people within. So it allows enough space for multiple people, while being approximately 12-14 ft in the air. This sets the stage for an opportunity to be one with your environment while still being instilled in it. It is built out of iron cast metal and aluminum so it would be more difficult to assemble due to welding but not impossible.