Biolurescent (3DPrinted Fishing Lures)

Blog 2

Chase Trinklein

Last week in Nuvu studio, my partner Tanner and I finalized our second iteration of our first molds or prototypes for our topwater walker and our rattletrap. and began working to print out and test some of our models.  Overall, though we've had minor challenges in utilizing th rhino process to 3d print these lures, we have had a wide range of success in doing so.  By printing out these lures next week and revamping all of our new designs we will be sure set to make a tackle box full of environment friendly lures.

Blog 7

Chase Trinklein

This past week in Open Innovation, Tanner and I worked to produce our first working mechanical lure.  We started by taking our saddered battery opperated motor we finished last week and incorporated it into the mechanism fit to make a circular motion like a boat motor to in turn propel our lure through the water like a fish.  After incorporating this, I worked in rhino along with assistance from Aaron to help in producing a Prop blade for our lure.  After designing the prop, we 3d printed the blade and incorporated it into the motor mechanism to produce an actual working prop motor.   From there we proceeded to design a mold for a lure that would fit the prop motor.  We used rhino to design the mold depicted and cut it into two halves to allow us to place the motor inside the lure.  Although we had complications with the 3d printer that didn't allow for us to print today, we plan to have this printed by next class and fully functional.  Next week, we plan to begin work on our new molds and start reinvading designs to fit these new molds.


Chase Trinklein


Chase Trinklein


Chase Trinklein and John Scarborough

The fishing lures on the market today are marketed solely based on the fact of efficiency and the overall likely hood to increase ones probability of catching a higher percentage of more mature bass.  However, there are no companies that take into effect the environmental effect of fishing lures.  Every Outdoorsman that has ever spent time fishing can admit to not only losing one but loosing a large quantity of fishing lures while in the act of fishing.  If lures are lost, often fish will eat these lures and die or they will grasp onto to other terrain within the fresh water environment and inflict damage. BioLurescent is the worlds first set of biodegradable fishing lures that still hold the same attractive elements as regular baits or lures, but are completely eco-friendly to help save fish and our environment.  This past semester, we have 3D printed a wide diversity of 3D printed fishing lures  including everything from our biodegradable crank bait, to our motorized crank bait lure and even further to our biodegradable top water popper.   This project has allowed us to cast out a beneficial impact on the environment and reel in some fun while doing it!

Blog 12

Chase Trinklein

This past week in Nuvu studios, my partner tanner and I incorporated the last elements into our crank bait to fully finalize this 2nd prototype.   We incorporated self driving screws as the eyes on the top and bottom of the lure.  This allowed us to easily add on the o rings and gave us a stronger foundation on the lure to better the chance of it keeping in tact after getting several bites.  Along with that, we incorrporated one eye on the top so it would be easier to tie on the line and ensure that the lure wouldn't break off.  Next week we plan to incorporate the separate designs and new molds for our project.  Along with this we plan to begin painting our lures to unleash realism within the water.

Blog 11

Chase Trinklein

This week in Nuvu studio my partner Tanner and I worked on producing our second working prototype of our crank bait that is ready for testing. We started by recreating the lure so it better fit the biodegradable mold.   We then moved to restructuring the hook rings so that they would be better fit to uphold the lures and not break off.   Along with this we hollowed out the center of the crank bait so that we could include small steal balls or something to make the crank bait work correctly.  Next week along with this, we plan to incorporate our motor design as we have in our first working prototype and then we plan to test it.  Once we have done this, we plan to start recreating our biodegradable molds and moving towards making attractant elements to the lures.  

Blog 10

Chase Trinklein

This past week in open innovation, Tanner and I have been working diligently to produce the second iteration of our motor lure.  We started by reassuring the wires and the battery.  This was to ensure it was functioning properly.  We then proceeded to  reproducing and resizing the mold which one incapsulate the motor and battery.  Once we had accomplished this, we began to print out the mold for our new lure.   Although we faced challenges with reassuring, we overcame this obstacle and moved our project forward.  Next week, we intend to fully work our new motor lure and then work on transitioning to our new mold ideas and producing a larger amount of lures in different styles.

Blog 9

Chase Trinklein

This past week in Open innovation, Tanner and I printed out and put together our first model of the motor lure.  This lure features a compact but durable 3d printed plastic casing with adapted hook o ring setups and a built in whole for the button that turns the motor on and off.   We took our previous motor setup with the battery saddered on and the push button and put it inside the mold to make the lure.  The design needs some definite tweaking but it sets a good president to move on from next week.  Along with this, we plan to re-sadder the wiring of the setup and smooth out the hole the button will come out of.  Also, we plan to include a more central hole for the prop to come out of along with setting the battery in place firmly so it does't move around inside the lure.

Blog 6

Chase Trinklein

This past week in open innovation Tanner and I started by giving a mid semester presentation for our 3D printed fishing lures project.  We gave our presentation to the  4B studio along with some of our coaches in order to get feedback on our project.  In light of our presentation, we got a lot of positive feedback saying that people liked the project nd the new methods we are moving too with our idea for making separate molds out of different materials.  Along with this, we also got report the lures that we have successfully created are successful in there real world  fishing attempts along with positive feedback from the 4B class on the overall design and functionallity of the project.  Along with this,our constructive feedback wasn't necessarily negative but rather beneficial in furthering the project.  We were recommended to add enticing elements or elusive elements to the project by appealing to the bass' sense of smell and their adaptive taste buds.  Along with this, it was recommended that we also include a moving lure into our arsenal of lures.  So with these two ideas in mind, tanner and I decided to continue developing our project by utilizing all of these ideas and more.  So this past class tanner and I have started collecting materials for the plastic and putty molds to help move forward with that.  Also, we primarily began work on building the moving lure by adding in an all inclusive system for doing so.  We put together a battery setup attached to a button/switch which is rigged into the circuit of the revolution motor.  The idea of the motor is it will make the lure vibrate back and forth along with possibly moving a tail in order to entice the fish to attack the lure.  Along with putting the first circuit set together, tanner and I worked on making our rhino model cast of a crank bait to put this circuit system inside.  Next week in studio we plan to bring these two elements together along with making the molds to begin work on furthering our overall project.